Twitter is currently facing legal action from major music publishers such as Universal Music Publishing Group, Sony MusicandWarner Music Group to the tune of $ 250 million.
They accuse the platform of allowing its users to post copyrighted content without permission, resulting in substantial financial losses for the music industry. The plaintiffs allege Twitter has known about this for years,i.e., the issue is not new, and no concrete measures have been taken to prevent it.
Each alleged instance of infringement carries a damage claim of $ 150,000 which could be simply massive financial damage for Twitter. With the commitment to address this infringement issue, Twitter, however, maintains that they have implemented a slew of measures addressing this bone of contention on its platform. It will be interesting to see how successful these measures have been and what the court decides. This lawsuit is significant as it underscores respecting intellectual property rights and the pressing need for social media platforms to proactively prevent copyright infringement.
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